Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mindful Writing Challenge 2013

~For those interested, I shall keep ALL 31 of my SMALL STONES 
here in this blog post and update everyday.
The updates will not appear in the blog followers but will pop up on Google+

   Enjoy! Be Mindful!
And much gratitude to Writing Our Way Home for the opportunity.
xox  ~Mimi

While you're waiting, here's a fun blog post
from the RIVER OF STONES publication from 2011
I have wonderful friends!  :)
click here for:  A RIVER OF STONES 2011 BBQ & BOOK SIGNING

AROS Crazy BBQ & Book Signing


Practice Stone  12/30/12

"Pine needles from my humble Yule bough drop demurely in the glittering snow gifting me with a lady slipper pattern of heart's desire."
And Here We Go.....

January 1
"A lone, exquisitely tattered fragment of lace dangles from my antique tablecloth, divulging old, sweet tasting tales of the goat who used to live here." 

January 2
"Christmas lights from across the way glimmer against the chaste snowflakes, leaping 
upward to reflect upon a moon which isn't there."

January 3
"I count slow thrice inside my head these days before spewing forth thick honey mead
or bitter thin venom from my hushed tongue."

January 4
"A salmon sky forms  the letter V, pointing to a place I'll never go again."

January 5
A slightly bigger stone
click here:   January 5th Stone

January 6
"Tang of Christmas-past pine needles delights my nose
as the munch-munch-munch of joyful goats on a cold Sunday morn is the only sound I hear."

January 7
"Rouged, cherubic cheeks of the setting sun give way to the cool, lascivious sliver
of the rising moon."

January 8
"Mary and Joseph kneel humbly in the snow, comforted by the knowledge that a giant polar bear protects the baby Jesus."

January 9
"Just in case any of you were talking about chipping in to get me a present, I've been thinking that I should like a mime from Paris. He could live in my basement and when I'm bored he would amuse me with funny faces and that stuck-in-a-box  thing they do. He'd probably only need to eat invisible bread and cheese, which is good because I never cook. I'd name him Mimey, which would go well with Mimi, though it would probably confuse people. But not as confused as they would be when I told them that a mime from France lived in my cellar. We'd have a lot of fun. And on days when it rained, Mimey would hold a lovely umbrella for me as we walked in place on the street. But I would still get wet."

January 10
"Birds tweeting and the drip-drip-drip sounds as though Spring  has arrived, even though I know it can't have done." 

January 11
~Clan of the Cave Fox~
"Thick smoke drifts from the neighbor's patio with savory smells that make my mouth water,
reminding me that single girls rarely cook raw meat over an open flame on a warm January day."

January 12
"Once upon a time, a while ago, I gave directions to my house for someone to deliver something to my mailbox because I wasn't home. Later, he emailed me and said: "I was so disappointed when I saw your house. I imagined you lived in a rose covered, thatched roof cottage at the end of a dirt road, with a perpetual rainbow and animals in costume dancing on your front lawn." I seriously didn't know what he was talking about. The Cow Ballet is always in progress whenever I leave the house.........."

January 13
"If words fall in a blog and nobody reads them do they make a sound?"

January 14
"I shall need a donkey when I go to France. I won't do very well because my French is terribly bad as I refuse to conjugate my verbs, but I could sing Mon Ane to the people in Paris until someone came for me and showed me where to purchase the lilac colored shoes. With my money left, we could have a grand garden party at the Eiffel Tower and, as we sipped our tea and nibbled violet petite fours, I would tell the people of France stories about my ass. And that's how I know it will be lovely when I go to France."

January 15
"A terrifying wind swept through the land, leaving behind sweet light and a blue, cloudless sky."

January 16
"Sharp pine needles, hunter green moss, crushed wild violets and a musky tang that lingers in my hair long after he has gone."

January 17
"Cold, white winter moon shines down on the storm ruins of my once tidy backyard."

January 18
"Fine, fat, flaxen flakes fall furiously forever."

January 19

"The stitches in time
where the light falls seven locks
words in a French Life"

(as I was jotting down the titles of the books I'm currently reading
I noticed they made a Haiku.......)

"Moons ago, when I was young, the lawn and field edge were always covered with the most lovely flower. Like a Dandelion in gypsy garb. My Uncle Whitey called it an Indian Paintbrush. It was orange and black with a tiny bit of yellow, and feathery, like a paintbrush dipped in nature's paint. My Uncle Whitey was smart that way.
You never can find that flower any more. It went away. I think it loved my Uncle Whitey so much it went with him when he left."

"I have been devouring those *I Lost My Mind and Went to France* books-which, by the by, will be the title of the book of stories I write when I go to France.
 I long to reside in a maison bourgeoise....and savor clafoutis....(mostly because I like saying clafoutis....come on, say it with me......claufoutis! There! Wasn't that fun!....and haunt the brocantes until the vendors knew the exact sort of lace I adore........"


"I'm having breakfast at McDee's in my barn clothes but I'm pretending that I'm brunching in Paris and wearing a lovely scarlet gypsy skirt covered in bells that tinkle when I summon the waiter for more cheese.  It's the sort of place where they don't mind if one dines with a goat.  Edith Piaf made it partway through La Vie En Rose before screaming made up French obscenities and slapping an elderly mime.  My little donkey ordered the gateau au chocolat with blood orange parfait.  We both agreed it was an excellent choice.

And the carousel keeps going round and round.

I do wish you could all visit inside my head.
  Except for the purple plum place.  You're not going to want to go there."

"You grin and show me
the empty path you cut
through the dense woods.
From either side green leaves beckon
offering false safety.
My old red cape drags behind me
as I journey to the end
wondering when the wolf will appear."

"One day I shall live in a small village in france with a modest herd of goats, two funny ducks, one black and white cow and a beloved Yellow Dog. And the people of the village will know I am awake of a morn when they see my shutters open to the sun. After a modest breakfast of lavender tea and hard bread with blackberry jam it will be time to walk the stone path and climb the pasture hill.
The goats will be impatient and call, "Allons, Mimi! Dépêchez-vous! La journée est votre appel!" and we will begin our day's journey making a grand parade."

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I should like to attend an outdoor Victorian skating party!
 With yards of luscious garb to keep me warm and lace trim on my skates 
and a fur lined muff that would look just so. 
 My cheeks would grow pink from twirling in the wind and I would fall down and laugh out loud. And partake of plentiful fripperies by an open fire and my wet bum would grow chilly. 
 That's what I should like.
~MF 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Turnip

The Kiss of Death for me (besides men wearing aftershave!) is the red double heart on the spine of a library book that says:  romance.

Because, let's face it, I have enough that doesn't happen to me without finding out that my bodice will ne'er be ripped and my heaving bosom shall remain, well, heaving.

Generally, when I indulge in the guilty pleasure of a romance novel my suspension of disbelief suffers a serious poke in the eye from the first pages.  How any of these things could happen just strikes me as beyond absurd.  And all with legs shaved, plump raspberry lips and a man whose visage rivals that of the Greek gods.  Oh, and he's rich and loyal, too.


Which is why, when I picked up Lauren Willig's The Mischief and the Mistletoe (based solely on how taken I was with the cover art-judge a book, much, Mimi?) I had no great expectations.

But I do adore Austen so I thought it would be fun to have a light Christmas read.

Well, let me tell you, I couldn't have been more wrong about those red double hearts!
It is proving to be a most delightful read!
A Victorian Yuletide setting, characters you dearly want to become friends with and some razor sharp, tongue-in-cheek humor that will keep you reading to the last page and sighing because it came to an end!

Oh, and simply begging Turnip to escort you to the next Frost Fair!

If you are taken with Austen and hilarious characters and long for the smell of a sticky Yule pudding......
read this book:  now!  :)

There are many more Willig books in this, the Pink Carnation Series.....and I can't wait to read them all!
Actually, I must read them all as I can't bear to leave this wonderful Victorian world that 
Willig has brilliantly created!

Oh, and why Christmas Turnip?
Well, you'll have to read and find out for yourself!  ;)
Trust me....Turnip will make you fall in love with him on every single page!
(Really, who doesn't adore a man who has embroidered pink carnations on his waistcoat.....?)

Merry, Merry!
And a Happy Christmas read!

Much love,

Friday, December 21, 2012


by Fox c. 2012

I bear in memory 
strolling Yule streets
sodden hem stiffening with rime clinging to boots
packages tucked in my old basket
some freshly wrapped in brown paper from the shops
an enchanted evergreen bough brushed my cheek 
as I passed Old Willf selling chestnuts
 on the street corner
and I wished it were you.

created for Mr. Knowitall's
G-man 55

submitted to

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Imaginary Garden with Real...Dolls.....


Once, long ago, when I was very young,
I was told to put my imagination away.
It won't do , they said, to speak of fantastical things;
of dancing with goats and a yellow dog which sings.
And hats are not for ponies as that is very strange.
 The rules say you must be ordinary. 
Normal, like us.
My brother paid me a dollar not to speak.
I took it.
~MF 2012

Today's REAL TOADS challenge is a Doll Challenge and what wonderful dolls they are!
I was drawn to the particular doll pictured here-absolutley LOVE the creativity of the artist!- but I urge you have a wee peek at the rest of the creations over at Real Toads-and some of the writing they inspired as well.
How magical that they they will be infused with this special life!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Have a creative day!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hi, my name is Mimi......

Hi, my name is Mimi and I am a Vintage Lace Addict.

Yep.  And I don't want to stop, either.  
Rehab would do me no good.  ;)

Discovered this lovely piece (in my size!) yesterday at the thrift store.
It never ceases to amaze me the sorts of things people will part with.
I intend to pass from this world buried under a pile of fragile, yellowed, beautiful lace.
You will need to pry it from my cold, dead, vintage lace-mitted hands.

But in the meantime, I intend to wear it!

All of it!

As much and as often as possible!

Thankfully, because of my lifestyle and the nature of my work, I have (and create!)
many. many opportunities to wear my treasures!
Though I will have to wait until the winter passes to give this baby an airing I'm happy to know she'll be waiting to be shown off to the world once again!

And I intend to do her proud!

Now the search is on to find the perfect Victorian rose fabric to create a bustle to match the accessories!

Ain't vintage life grand?

(boots non-vintage/hand sewn chapeau by Hatty Bunratty (which is me!)

Have a lovely day my kindred vintage hunters!
And may you find beautiful things to love!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I want someone
to draw me like a French woman
and at long last
capture the pirate in my soul

Friday, October 19, 2012

Well, now I have.......

Well, I said I never would.....
and now I have.

Are you ready?


Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Willow Manor Ball 1812

hosted by the creative Tess Kincaid from The Mag

You can read all about her FABULOUS Ball here


Taken from The Lost Journals of Violet Moorfields

For persons and events leading up to this e'en

A few weeks ago

And so.........

October 28, 1812

Dear Diary,

The Day dawns!  
Restless night.  So excited about the Willow Manor Ball I could scarcely sleep!
Met the most wonderful and original persons of quality last year and am so much looking forward to their 
company once more!  It is strange, being alone here in this mansion, with only dear Runcible, my faithful friend and loyal houseman.

Started the morn with a lovely little tea party to fortify my spirits for the coming e'en.
Naught like elevensies with good friends to calm ones tattered nerves!

The Ball this year is said to be masquerade!
What fun!
Though I did have to turn down the kind offer of a loan from the twins, who reside 
in the cabin at the edge of the property.
One does hate to appear ungrateful......but, really, I don't see *how* my newly coiffed hair could accommodate such a look.
I don't think they were happy with my decision.....but it was hard to tell.......

I am thinking, black.  Yes, mysterious black for garb!
Runcible gave me a nod of approval.  He has always been partial to the darker hues.
I am so twitter-pated o'er my look that I scarcely feel a part of this world!

Yes.  I do believe this masque will do!

Date cancelled.  With very little proper warning, I might add.
Something regarding his sister and his *sick mother*
Oh, please.  Do spare me the excuses.
It is probably just as well since I haven't room in my life for a Mamma's boy.

Transport seems always an issue, what with being so far out in the country.
However, the Morose brothers, Jebadiah and Samuel, agreed to see me to the manor party.
Though it *did* seem to take us an age to arrive.
I blew kisses to Runcible and promised to be home.....early!
(Runcible is *such* a worry-wart when I am out on a jaunt!)


I arrived at the front gates and made my way in.
Tess does keep a lovely garden!
The party was already in progress!
It was a glorious affair!
Mister Linky, the doorman, kindly took my name and showed me in.

Everyone was having a wonderful time.  One family even brought their goat!
So adorable!

The magic show was amazing!
It left me quite breathless!
How *do* they accomplish such feats?

Dreadful!   There is a  rumor circling of a Bottom Pinching Chicken about the party!
And I fear to break the news.......he may have friends........  (*giggle*)

And so, danced on and on into the night as the Absinthe flowed............


And so, the clock strikes midnight, signaling the end of yet another magical e'en...........
The Willow Manor Ball leaves me feeling somehow.....enchanted!
As though I am of another world..........
Thank you, Tess, for a magical time.............
I feel as though I shall dance on and on into the night.........
love, Violet

OCTOBER 28, 2012
Hey Guys-  Absolutely will not be able to make the Ball.
First, my invitation was somehow lost.  I found it underneath the pillows in the guest room of all places!  Then, apparently we've had a break in.  My china tea set was strewn about and every single gown I own left on my bedroom floor! 
My mask has completely gone missing!
And if that's not enough, there's crashing coming from the shed at the edge of the property
so we probably have a raccoon in there or worse, a skunk.....   *sigh*
The electric is flickering in and out, probably from this upcoming storm.
I called the guy to come look at it and they sent out a polite, rather well dressed man.
He's gone upstairs and hasn't come back down yet.  
He has very good posture.  lol
Can't imagine how much this is going to cost, but it's my own fault for moving into this old mansion in the middle of nowhere.   :p 
Hope you are all having a wonderful time.....(*sigh*)
Hey!  Remember last year when I found that old journal?  THAT's missing, too........ 
Oh...BBL......that electric guy is coming down the stairs.......
Have fun at the party!  Be safe!
*hugs*   Mimi
ps.  Why do you guys keep messaging me about chickens?  

Willow Manor Ball 1812

My Dearest Diary,

I believe I shall swoon!

My invitation to the 
arrived by morning post!
Dear Tess, such a lovely and creative woman.  
I admire her so!

Runcible, my faithful houseman and dear friend and confidant
delivered it to me via sterling tray amidst brunch and roses this very morn!
He is such a dear!
I would be ever so lost without him!

Last year was such joyous amusement!
It felt as though the evening were one, long, glorious dream!
Simply everything was in a delicious haze!

Well, upon sight of my return invitation I was in such a state that Runcible
advised me a lie-down with a Bath bun and a weak cup of tea.

Knowing my capricious nature, dear Runcible assured  me he would have
all details of my attendance in hand and I wasn't to worry a whit!

But, oh!  So much to prepare for!
So many decisions!
I am in a state!

Must dash, my love, for I hear Runcible 
at my door with the tell tale rustle of many, many gowns to choose from!

Oh, it shall all be a delight!


(excerpt from the Journal of Violet Moorfields October 6, 1812)

Friday, October 5, 2012


Just a quick post of my newest two treasures.

I have recently taken to collecting old photographs.
I find them fascinating as well as a bit tragic for having been abandoned, somehow ending up in 
a lost pile of dust.

Not sure exactly *why* I am attracted to one and not the other or even what influences my choice, but nonetheless, when I happen upon one it must come live with me.

I am still at the point that I am able to vintage frame and display but I imagine I'll soon run out of table room.

Hmm.  I guess there's always the walls!  :)

I think ahead to future generations trying to work out my ancestry...........
They are sure to be greatly confused!  *giggle*

*note:  I found it rather fascinating that Chair Girl 
made it all the way from Sweden!  I promise to keep her safe!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I absolutely ADORE Altered Things!
Love to take the mundane and make it FABULOUS!
And, have often done this with shoes.


Imagine my DELICIOUS SURPRISE when I came to bloggies today and found THIS:

Over at:

Oh, yeah!  I can hardly wait!
Check them out-and maybe you'll join them in the fun as well!
If not, it will DEFINITELY be the Place to Be on September 22!

Thanks to Frosted Petunias for the vision and  (this part is really important....) for taking the time to host!

off to find a pair of shoes.........!